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I am displaced torn from the inside. I discovered I am selfish and I do what makes me happy. 

The Addiction Code
I make choices that I feel make me happy. 
I only have the moment. Before this moment and after this moment do not exist. Make the best of it and feel good. 

1,833 state prisons in the United States

estimated more than 80,000 youth are held in juvenile detention facilities.

 Before being deported, about 400,000 people a year pass through our Nation’s immigration detention system. which is run principally by the Department of Homeland Security.

 3,100 jail facilities throughout 50 states.

Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2020 | Prison Policy Initiative › reports › pie2020

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Studies have been proven that the population of United States prisons have more then doubled since 1985.

If a  United States Citizen is charged with a petty drug charge they are not eligable to receive assistance for financial aid. 

This means if a person has changed their life, they can not receive benefits to attend college. They would  be stuck in minimum wage jobs. Or the alternative : to go back to prison.

97% are incarcerated for non violent crimes.   

16 percent of the 2 million suffer from mental illness.

Jim Crow : Racial Laws established during the civil war. Supporting Segregation. 

Modern Slavery?

Several  well knownCorporations benefit from the labor of prisoners that are being housed in privately owned prisons. 

At least 37 of 52 States have passed the strike 3 policy. Meaning that someone can steal a bike, car, or food to feed their families and will have to do 25 years minimum. Meaning that children will be raised in single parent homes. The vast majority having no choice but to seek government assistance. Some may not have the means and Child Protective services take the children to foster homes. 

Statistics from globalresearch say after a professional study that 623,000 prisoners are imprisoned and are innocent for the crime they are being charged with.

Addicts? Or Insurgents in the war on drugs? Theory has it that the profits from illegal drugs pay for rigged election campaigns, and fund wars. It is also better then gold if you own a private prison. What do we do to to solve this issue? What is the Addiction Code? 

Please take a look at the campaign created 2 days ago. To help please  click on the donate now. 

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